Events at USIP

The U.S. Institute of Peace has long distinguished itself as one of Washington, D.C.’s premiere convening organizations, hosting global leaders, policymakers, and practitioners as they offer solutions for the world’s most dangerous conflict zones. Events ...more

Latest Episodes

December 13, 2018 00:52:06
Episode Cover

Resilience in Conflict

The world’s most violent conflicts are being fought within its most youthful populations. In the five countries that suffered nearly 80 percent of recent...


December 11, 2018 01:53:19
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Bridging the Data-Policy Gap on Counter-terrorism

Trends in global terrorism change every year. From fragile states to urban megacities, data shows how many societies are impacted by violence. But, how...


December 07, 2018 01:50:12
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Ending Sexual Violence - From Policy to Practice

Over the last two decades, policy frameworks like the Women, Peace and Security agenda, provide a valuable platform for advocacy efforts. Yet such approaches...


November 30, 2018 01:36:10
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Building Peace from the Bottom Up

Do postwar peacebuilding interventions work to keep peace? How do we measure the effectiveness of such international interventions? Join former USIP Jennings Randolph Senior...


November 29, 2018 00:55:10
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Soft Power in a Sharp Power World - A Bipartisan Congressional Dialogue

Global adversaries, especially states like Russia, China and Iran, use sharp power tools of coercion, disinformation and proxy campaigns to achieve their geopolitical goals...


November 28, 2018 01:54:51
Episode Cover

How to Rehabilitate and Reintegrate Violent Extremists

As the loss of ISIS territory drives thousands of “foreign terrorist fighters” to return home, and hundreds of people convicted of terrorism-related offenses are...
