Latest Episodes
Understanding Career Foreign Fighters
USIP and authors of the recent RESOLVE Network Research Report, “Career Foreign Fighters: Expertise Transmission Across Insurgencies” hosted a virtual conversation to explain their...
Tenuous Transitions in Ethiopia and Sudan
The two most populous countries in the Horn of Africa—Ethiopia and Sudan—are both struggling with once-in-a-generation political transitions. Complicating these already tenuous transitions is...
People Power in a Pandemic
USIP brought together activists and peacebuilders from South Sudan, Syria, and Venezuela for a discussion on how nonviolent movements are confronting and adjusting to...
Pakistan's Coronavirus Crisis: Provincial Perspectives
USIP convened observers from all four of Pakistan's provinces to discuss each province’s on-the-ground situation related to the Coronavirus pandemic, the various provincial government...
Conflict and the Pandemic: Tackling COVID-19 in Fragile Settings
USIP and the World Bank Group examined international efforts to respond to the first- and second-order impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic in fragile states....
China’s Impact on Conflict Dynamics in the Red Sea Arena
USIP and members of the China-Red Sea Arena Senior Study Group hosted an in-depth look at their new report, featuring discussions on how China’s...