Reflections from Afghan Women: The Consequences of an Unsuccessful Peace Process

June 27, 2022 01:09:08
Reflections from Afghan Women: The Consequences of an Unsuccessful Peace Process
Events at USIP
Reflections from Afghan Women: The Consequences of an Unsuccessful Peace Process

Jun 27 2022 | 01:09:08


Show Notes

On June 27, USIP hosted a discussion with leading Afghan women experts and activists about their journey from Afghanistan to the United States, the conditions currently facing Afghan women, and what the United States and international community can do to support a more inclusive and sustainable peace in Afghanistan.


Palwasha Hassan
Senior Fellow, Institute for Women, Peace and Security, Georgetown University

Lima Ahmad
Doctoral Candidate, Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University 

Muzhgan Sadat
Gender Activist and Novelist

Belquis Ahmadimoderator
Senior Program Officer, U.S Institute of Peace 


For more information about this event, please visit:


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