Huawei’s Expansion in Latin America and the Caribbean

June 01, 2024 01:03:50
Huawei’s Expansion in Latin America and the Caribbean
Events at USIP
Huawei’s Expansion in Latin America and the Caribbean

Jun 01 2024 | 01:03:50


Show Notes

USIP’s new report “Huawei’s Expansion in Latin America and the Caribbean: Views from the Region” explores some of the key reasons behind Huawei’s success in Latin America using original interviews with Huawei staff and industry specialists in the region. On May 31, USIP held a discussion with the report’s author and other experts that looked at the report’s findings and examined the stark contrast between Huawei’s standing in the United States and its neighbors to the south.


Lyndi Tseringintroduction
Program Specialist, U.S. Institute of Peace

Parsifal D’Sola Alvaradopresenter
Founder and Executive Director, Fundación Andrés Bello

Shazeda Ahmed
Postdoctoral Researcher, UCLA

Margaret Myers
Senior Advisor, Latin America, U.S. Institute of Peace

Henry Tugendhatmoderator
Economist, China, U.S. Institute of Peace


For more information about this event, please visit:


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