February marks 30 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations between the United States and the Republic of Tajikistan. On April 14, USIP hosted a conversation that brought together current officials and leading experts to examine new opportunities and challenges during this highly fluid period in the region.
Andrew Wilder, welcoming remarks
Vice President, Asia Center, U.S. Institute of Peace
Farhod Salim, keynote remarks
Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan
Donald Lu, keynote remarks
Assistant Secretary, Bureau of South and Central Asia Affairs, U.S. State Department; Former U.S Ambassador to Kyrgyzstan
John M. Pommersheim
U.S. Ambassador to the Republic of Tajikistan
Hamralizoda Farrukh Mahmud
Tajikistan Ambassador to the United States
Parviz Muhammadzoda
Deputy Director, Center for Strategic Studies under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan
Zuhra Halimova
Independent consultant, strategic advisor, Women in Digital Transformation (WINDT)
Gavin Helf, moderator
Senior Expert, Central Asia, U.S. Institute of Peace
For more information about this event, please visit: https://www.usip.org/events/thirty-years-us-tajikistan-partnership-whats-next
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