Since 2018, the RESOLVE Network has been researching the complex interactions between armed groups, civilians, state actors and international security — with particular attention to discerning women’s roles, agency and choices in conflict. On December 1, USIP and the RESOLVE Network held a virtual conversation that examined how community-based armed groups impact the wider conflict ecosystems in Sub-Saharan Africa.
SpeakersDr. Alastair Reed, welcoming remarks Senior Expert and Executive Director, RESOLVE Network
Nicoletta Barbera, introductory remarks Senior Program Officer, Africa, U.S. Institute of Peace
Dr. Lauren Van Metre, moderator Senior Advisor, Peace and Security, National Democratic Institute
Dr. Jakana Thomas Associate Professor, School of Global Policy and Strategy, University of California San Diego
Rida Lyammouri Associate Fellow, Clingendael Institute; Senior Fellow, Policy Center for the New South
Bogi Bozsogi, concluding remarks Executive Coordination and Network Manager, RESOLVE Network
For more information about this event, please visit:
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