#CyberspaceIRL - Rule of Law Approaches to Virtual Threats

May 22, 2019 00:47:13
#CyberspaceIRL - Rule of Law Approaches to Virtual Threats
Events at USIP
#CyberspaceIRL - Rule of Law Approaches to Virtual Threats

May 22 2019 | 00:47:13


Show Notes

A $600 billion black market, cybercrime has transformed the digital world into a sophisticated platform to steal and profit from personal data, undermine civil rights, manipulate elections, disseminate anti-democratic propaganda, and steal intelligence. Yet, cyberspaces remain largely unregulated.

The U.S. Institute of Peace and the American Bar Association Rule of Law Initiative brouht together representatives from academia, national security, and the private and public sectors, to identify rule of law strategies to more effectively address this ever-changing landscape.

Welcome and Introductions:

David Yang Vice President, Applied Conflict Transformation, U.S. Institute of Peace

Alberto Mora Director, American Bar Association Rule of Law Initiative

Judge Margaret McKeown Board Chair, American Bar Association Rule of Law Initiative


Keynote: “Setting the Stage for the Clash of Norms in Cyberspace”

Sujit Raman Associate Deputy Attorney General, U.S. Department of Justice

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